

I'm a 25 year old woman who was recently diagnosed with autism and have now been suggested I sign up to this community, my therapists idea I'm normally not social online or in person because of my anxiety.

I'm finding that now I know I'm autistic a lot more about me and my life makes sense which is reassuring and nice to know.

I work in a museum, talking to people about different historical items and events. This also causes great deals of anxiety but also I do enjoy talking about history, so at the same time it's ideal for me.

In my free time I like to draw, listen to music, watch films, write, study history and play Sims.

Nice to meet you! Blush

  • Hey! Cherry blossom

    I feel we have had pretty similar experiences with this whole process, I'm 21 years old and only recently from my therapy got suggested to look into this all. I'm glad that you have felt more at ease by learning about yourself and what you may struggle or deal with day to day. Just remember to look after yourself and be patient and kind, there are plenty of people in the forum who are happy to help and give advice. I'm also v obsessed with history and art, so I'm happy to hear you found a job that suits your passion, it sounds so amazing!

    I tend to create a lot of art to help relieve stress in my spare time too! Pls take care and also I'm normally pretty reserved and shy but am more than happy to message if you need someone to talk to! 

  • Hey,

    Thanks. Nice to meet you.

    I'm not sure how messaging works here but I'll try to figure it out. You can message me anytime if you want to. Always happy to be friends with anyone, though I'm not really very good with people!

    I hope you find your therapist helps you. Mine is amazing, lovely woman, she really cares. Look after yourself as well!

  • Hey,

    Thanks. Nice to meet you.

    I'm not sure how messaging works here but I'll try to figure it out. You can message me anytime if you want to. Always happy to be friends with anyone, though I'm not really very good with people!

    I hope you find your therapist helps you. Mine is amazing, lovely woman, she really cares. Look after yourself as well!

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