Hello from a just diagnosed newbie


Just wanted to introduce myself and say how helpful this site has been so far.

My life has been full of illness and I was lucky enough to  find an amazing functional doctor who diagnosed me with Lyme and Marcons amongst other things. She referred me for EMDR but after talking with the therapist she suggested I have an ADHD and Autism assessment.

I'm waiting on the ADHD assessment outcome but I got diagosed with Autism on Thursday and to say my head is spinning would be a bit of an understatement.

After 52 years of struggling but not knowing what was going on I finally feel like I'm on the right track. And that's a very strange but exciting feeling indeed!

I do have lots of questions so I'll make a post in the appropriate place.

I'm looking forward to getting to know you all :)

  • Welcome Albie,

    I can only talk about ASD, as I'm afraid I'm just not familiar with your other conditions.

    You will not find yourself alone on this forum. Once you settle in you will meet many of us  who were diagnosed ASD in our 40s 50s 60s and beyond.  It is lifelong, so we were born with it; it's who we are.  It's  just a shame that it took so long for many of us to get it recognised.

    Since my diagnosis, I've read many books on Autism and chatted with folk on here, gradually building my knowlede and awareness of just what ASD is.  And this is bringing me an understanding  that I am beginning to cherish.

    I'm now beginning to recognise myself... (if that makes sense).

    I am Ben !

  • Hello Ben, lovely to meet you! I said to my psychiatrist that knowledge is power and recognising and understanding  ASD is amazing. It's still very early days for me but already I feel a teeny bit more confident!

  • Hello Ben, lovely to meet you! I said to my psychiatrist that knowledge is power and recognising and understanding  ASD is amazing. It's still very early days for me but already I feel a teeny bit more confident!

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