Looking for Advice


I am an autistic woman. I have not been officially diagnosed, but I am 95% sure I am autistic. And, I have been diagnosed with chronic depression, social anxiety, and general anxiety. Anyway, I am looking for some advice. Recently, I lost my dad to cancer. This was very difficult as we were very close. After about a year, I felt like I was finally recovering from the loss. I thought that I might try and get my life together. Life seemed short and my mom needed help. But, then she decided to move to the UK. (We were living in the USA, where I was born and raised.) My mom and dad were both from the UK. And, all of my relatives live here, which is why my mom wanted to move back. As live with my mother and am unable to live on my own right now, I had to move with her. I am now living in the UK with my mom and my sister (she is also autistic). I am struggling to deal with all the changes in my life. As an autistic person I have always hated change. But, this change is on a whole different scale. Does anyone have any advice on how to deal with such enormous changes?

  • When it feels like the whole world is collapsing around you and you cannot stop it from doing so I would say as much as possible don't fight it, let it fall and after things settle and you've had time to process then is the time to dust yourself off and climb back up out of the emotional ruins. Grieving in my experience has never been something I can just skip through, it needs to go through it's own process, and that isn't just grief from loss of a loved one that is also grief for a life you used to have too. And it's okay to just be sad, or angry, or whatever you are feeling because often the only way out of it is through it.