
Hi, I'm new here and this is my first time reaching out on any kind of social forum.

I was recently diagnosed with autism, I have struggled a lot my whole life with social interactions and due to so many misunderstandings and trauma I have spent a long time believing there is something wrong with me/that I'm a bad person (because no matter how hard I would try I would still upset or annoy people without understanding or realising).

I was previously diagnosed with bipolar but recently it has been concluded that it was always autism and ADHD, which due to not being picked up on led to many problems that then caused the psychosis like secondary issues.

I've lived more than 10 years now in isolation, and live alone. I don't go outside and I am afraid to be seen by others or interact with them so I only see doctors and such for my many health issues. I rely on pets and online interactions to deal with the loneliness, but found that online gaming communities are very toxic and I couldn't cope in them anymore.

I have really severe anxiety, so have never been able to reach out in any communities before now. I hope I haven't overshared, as I know I have a habit of doing so and annoying people.

It would be nice to have people to talk to though, so thank you for your time if anyone has spent it reading this :)

  • Hi Goblin Blush welcome to the forum. You didn't overshare in your post and even if you do overshare, you will be accepted and welcomed here. I like your photo it looks like an anime character. 

  • Thanks, I like funny stills from mangas or background stills of anime characters that weren't drawn in full detail as they aren't in the main frame. I've never had the confidence to use actual photos for avatars :)

  • I like manga and anime. 

  • I've seen Seven Deadly Sins & Blue Exorcist too, I liked them as well though it was a long time ago. I recently started to rewatch bleach because of it being a comfort show and someone I thought would like it had never seen it. They're good choices :)

    I think my main critique of bleach was the filler arc's, they were actually pretty cool and it's a shame they never had a lasting impact on anything. That's an anime issue in general though haha

  • Nice choices! I love Bleach it's my number 1 favourite of all time. They have made a new series of Bleach on Disney Plus which is also quite good.  2nd Seven Deadly Sins and 3rd Blue Exorcist. Death Note was also good.

  • I'm not sure if I'd have a top 3, I love ghibli movies a lot though. I think my favourite anime is/was probably kill la kill, and as a teenager I really liked death note (which I think most teens did). Bleach is pretty classic for the nostalgia factor, I don't know that I'd recommend it but due to it being a classic its one of my comfort shows.

    It's not an anime or manga, but fire emblem is also one of my all time favourite game series.

  • @zengarden2014 I also like anime and manga. What are your top 3 favourite anime or manga?

  • I used to watch it a lot, I haven't as much recently because with my attention span I can really struggle to just sit down and read subtitles so I sometimes prefer dubs just so that I can do multiple things at once. I have an ever growing watch list for whenever I feel like I'm able to sit still and watch one thing though!

  • I used to watch it a lot, I haven't as much recently because with my attention span I can really struggle to just sit down and read subtitles so I sometimes prefer dubs just so that I can do multiple things at once. I have an ever growing watch list for whenever I feel like I'm able to sit still and watch one thing though!

  • I've seen Seven Deadly Sins & Blue Exorcist too, I liked them as well though it was a long time ago. I recently started to rewatch bleach because of it being a comfort show and someone I thought would like it had never seen it. They're good choices :)

    I think my main critique of bleach was the filler arc's, they were actually pretty cool and it's a shame they never had a lasting impact on anything. That's an anime issue in general though haha

  • Nice choices! I love Bleach it's my number 1 favourite of all time. They have made a new series of Bleach on Disney Plus which is also quite good.  2nd Seven Deadly Sins and 3rd Blue Exorcist. Death Note was also good.

  • I'm not sure if I'd have a top 3, I love ghibli movies a lot though. I think my favourite anime is/was probably kill la kill, and as a teenager I really liked death note (which I think most teens did). Bleach is pretty classic for the nostalgia factor, I don't know that I'd recommend it but due to it being a classic its one of my comfort shows.

    It's not an anime or manga, but fire emblem is also one of my all time favourite game series.

  • @zengarden2014 I also like anime and manga. What are your top 3 favourite anime or manga?