New here

Hey I'm 27, awaiting my diagnosis autism been told by my support worker to start accepting I am autistic and to start branching out when I felt comfortable. 

Struggle a lot with social cues especially in non-professional settings, I work in mental health though and thrive when someone comes through the doors querying autism. I have some pretty intense swimming moments in uni sometimes  head hitting and skin picking to the point I have had to put false nails on, it really helps If anyone has a similar issue with skin and scalp picking.

Other than that just wanted to say hey and see who else was around I could speak to and if there were any meet ups kind of thing. Been really struggling with my situation previously being diagnosed with depression and bpd but neither made sense, to then constantly questioning if I was even autistic... but then I remember being made to sit in the corner cleaning whiteboards at school because they didn't know what to do with me. 

  • Welcome indeed. I hope we can help you embrace and love the autistic you :-)

    Blimey, what an paradoxical experience. You work in MH but had a BPD misdiagnosis -Wow!

    Well, I'm so glad to hear that people like you DO work in MH and DO thrive when your autistic siblings walk through the door. We need you working where you are and doing what you do. Seriously, if I have a conversation with an NT professional I'm sure to be misunderstood, it's like we are speaking different languages. I literally think we are. If I meet one who is ND, they disclose that (only bit of personal info they should disclose) and wow, what a difference. Takes two minutes to explain and be understood, whereas it would take me 2 hours to explain to an NT for them still not to get it. So, hang on to your job. We need you in it. Big time!

    BPD, huh? Well, I ain't getting into the debate as to whether it's a BS diagnosis, misdiagnosed often instead of PTS or CPTS, or autism or what. Some autistic folk own both. If they think it fits and are willing to combat that, I bow down in respect.

    But it certainly is the case that many autistic people are misdiagnosed BPD/ EUPD before they are identified as autistic. I was and it did a shed load of damage. They hid the diagnosis from me too..long story. I'll never trust MH again.

    I hope you didn't suffer the same and that they have got their story and support straight for you now. I'm sure the experience will somehow help you to help others in the long run.

    Meanwhile, autistic brethren here to help you now, so shoot with your questions...

  • What a lovely comment, thankyou Dawn. Yes, it was a hefty misdiagnosis and it was a very confusing difficult time mentally and physically, I'm still on venlafaxine now due to the withdrawal struggles of they medication. Very nearly ruined my relationship, motivation and career until I advocated for myself.

    I know exactly what you mean about speaking to a health profession who is NT as opposed to ND, sometimes I don't even need to disclose I'm autistic just give a knowing look puts people at ease and they know i understand. 

    It is very nice coming here and being heard, I still have some struggles with regulating myself In lecture environments where i have to leave the room, use my headphones and find myself rocking a bit in the toilets on a hadder day but knowing I'm autistic has helped massively. 

    So thanks for having me x

  • Ah, you are our hope from within. Hang on to yourself, no matter what. We're here. Break down your questions one by one and chuck 'em out to our ether. Some one will get it and have an answer.

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