Name & 5 Facts

I want to introduce myself and thought we could all do that so can get to know each other better. Will hopefully help ease my anxiety. 

Name and then 5 facts about yourself - can use your username if you prefer that :) 

Name: Natalia ^also name of my band^

5 facts:

1 I was diagnosed with autism when I was 9 years old. 

2 Been blind in my left eye since I was 7.

3 Was born on December 21st.

4 Special interest and fave hobby is music. 

5 Own over 500 CDs!

Look forward to getting to know you all :) 

  • Hi I'm new here. 

    I'm extremely anxious so don't know how much I'll be here. 

    My name is Kitty.


    1. My favourite animal is the wolf. I think they are magnificent, beautiful and are extremely intelligent. I have lots of books and papers on them. 

    2. I suffer from severe anxiety that has landed me in hospital and made me mute since 2016.

    3. I write fiction stories and have been doing this since I was 13.

    4. My special interest is football Soccer️ to my parents horror lmao. I find it more interesting than anything else. 

    5. Have suffered from heart and blood problems since I was 9.

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