Name & 5 Facts

I want to introduce myself and thought we could all do that so can get to know each other better. Will hopefully help ease my anxiety. 

Name and then 5 facts about yourself - can use your username if you prefer that :) 

Name: Natalia ^also name of my band^

5 facts:

1 I was diagnosed with autism when I was 9 years old. 

2 Been blind in my left eye since I was 7.

3 Was born on December 21st.

4 Special interest and fave hobby is music. 

5 Own over 500 CDs!

Look forward to getting to know you all :) 

Parents Reply Children
  • Oh so sorry you had to go through that. I think things need to be made crystal clear and written clearly in the rules if they play things that way. Because full name suggests your own, not someone else's, especially when it's from the 70s! Hope you're ok!

    Love the pic BTW. Cool looking report. My school emailed ours and sent a printed copy.

  • In the past I have been jumped upon by the moderators here, because I disclosed too much personal information about myself.  When I uploaded a school report from my early childhood, I redacted my name, but the moderators got nasty because i left in the teachers name.