Name & 5 Facts

I want to introduce myself and thought we could all do that so can get to know each other better. Will hopefully help ease my anxiety. 

Name and then 5 facts about yourself - can use your username if you prefer that :) 

Name: Natalia ^also name of my band^

5 facts:

1 I was diagnosed with autism when I was 9 years old. 

2 Been blind in my left eye since I was 7.

3 Was born on December 21st.

4 Special interest and fave hobby is music. 

5 Own over 500 CDs!

Look forward to getting to know you all :) 

  • Hi Natalia, great idea!

    Name: Pip (Taken from my username)

    5 facts

    1. I'm new to realising that I have Autism and ADHD so haven't started my route to diagnosis yet but it's definitely something that I'll be starting in the near future once I've got my head straight. 

    2. I love Harry Potter (though dislike the Cursed Child) and am currently reading the illustrated version of the Goblet of Fire. 

    3. I was born in early February (though I should have been a January baby). 

    4. I'm polysexual - I'm attracted to multiple genders 

    5. I'm trying to teach myself Japanese 

  • Hi Natalia, great idea!

    Name: Pip (Taken from my username)

    5 facts

    1. I'm new to realising that I have Autism and ADHD so haven't started my route to diagnosis yet but it's definitely something that I'll be starting in the near future once I've got my head straight. 

    2. I love Harry Potter (though dislike the Cursed Child) and am currently reading the illustrated version of the Goblet of Fire. 

    3. I was born in early February (though I should have been a January baby). 

    4. I'm polysexual - I'm attracted to multiple genders 

    5. I'm trying to teach myself Japanese 

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