He's so .... Weird . An introduction.

Hello everyone .

My name is Philip , I'm 42 years old and after waiting for 3 years I was diagnosed with ASD on the 30h November 2022. I am very surprised with the diagnosis . I've always known there was something 'different' about me but I never imagined it was ASD .

I was my fathers carer for many years and we kind of looked after each other . He knew how to deal with me ,he was always kind , patient and would always explain things in a way I understood but he passed away in 2020 from Cancer.

I have been under the care of the Community Mental Health team who caused me more distress and difficulty. Now I have been discharged because they don't deal with people with ASD and with no services in my area which have all apparently been closed due to lack of funding , I am isolated and alone.

For the most part I thrive and love being alone but since we are social animals it would be nice to be able to relate and connect with other people. I have never had friends , I have no family , the only contact with people I have is with an Ex Neighbour who has been amazing, I can never thank him enough for how he's helped me but he has a family and his own responsibilities, I want to remain as unobtrusive as possible.

I am hesitant to come here because of how I've been treated by people in the past . I was abused by my Mother when I was younger ,bullied, taken advantage of and mocked by people because of my differences. If I had a pound for every time I was called 'weird' I'd be opening an Animal sanctuary to help poorly animals and the entrance would have a statue of a fox with a butterfly on their nose ( I love foxes )

It seems there are more cruel people than there are kind ones and coming here is my last attempt at making some kind of contact with people. I have often spoken with the Samaritans which have made me more self conscious with their comments, I don't think they mean to be . Maybe there should be a free phone service for people with ASD ... I don't know.. I have never actually spoken with people with the condition. I was always under the stereotype of people with ASD being very highly intelligent where as I'm an idiot.

I haven't wrote any of this for Sympathy , don't get me wrong .I unfortunately am too honest for my own good. 

Thank you for taking the time to read my introduction and take care.

  • hi! I was diagnosed with autism less than a month ago. I am 41 years old. I can relate with much of what you said. I have trouble making friends because I believe that most people are not kind and caring. rather, they are deceptive and manipulative for personal gain. luckily, once I receive the paperwork confirming my diagnosis, I can join a local program for autistic adults that includes opportunities to socialize with other autists. I'm excited and look forward to meeting other people like me as I have recently realized that all my real friends are also autistic. it's like I had some innate preference for autistic people. I can't imagine what it would be like to have access to a fountain of autistic people that could potentially be my friends.

    additionally, I joined this forum less than a week ago and have been surprised by the validation I received from reading other people's posts and comments. hopefully, this forum will provide you with that and also the socialization you are seeking. 

  • Hello All My Friends Are Autistic. Hope you're okay .

    I believe NT's are manipulative , cruel and heartless people out for personal gain . I have only been here for a very short time ( 2 days ) and I have found the people here genuine , caring and have warmly welcomed me. It's very refreshing to be around people  who you don't have to explain yourself too , who understand and can relate to how you feel . I really hope you go from strength to strength and things get nothing but better for you .

    Thank you very much for your kind words and take care Fox

  • Hello All My Friends Are Autistic. Hope you're okay .

    I believe NT's are manipulative , cruel and heartless people out for personal gain . I have only been here for a very short time ( 2 days ) and I have found the people here genuine , caring and have warmly welcomed me. It's very refreshing to be around people  who you don't have to explain yourself too , who understand and can relate to how you feel . I really hope you go from strength to strength and things get nothing but better for you .

    Thank you very much for your kind words and take care Fox
