What are the benefits of an adult diagnosis

I’m 53 and deep down have always known that my outlook is very different to others.

For as long as I can remember I’ve struggled with things that some find easy and even exciting, I have just developed strategies to cope with the demands of life, mainly ensuring I’m busy, I’m in control and things are on my terms. This obviously doesn’t always work and relationships have suffered.

I haven’t sought help or a diagnosis before as I always thought it was just me, but the more the world has changed and the more we are encouraged to accept and celebrate our differences the more I have realised I may not be on my own.

However, what will having a diagnosis change for me, I will still feel all the things I have felt for the last 40 plus years, the anxiety won’t go away when my husband suggests going somewhere different on holiday, I won’t suddenly be able to maintain friendships.

  • Hi, I’m 55 and going through an assessment at the moment, you’re right nothing will actually change, maybe some help at airports and hospital appointments . For me it’s the validation I  need, the definitive answer. I do already know the answer, unfortunately the way my brain works, it needs proof. I have quite a lot of medical people on my wife’s side of the family, someone wrote on here a few days ago that they were told they shouldn’t say they are autistic without a diagnosis. I found that really hurtful, it’s the first question I get asked by the family members, “ have you actually been diagnosed?” It’s more or less, “ you don’t look autistic,” The fact is, they don’t work in the field of autism. I’ve read 10 times more on autism than they ever will. Sorry to rattle on, 

  • I totally get what you mean about needing a definite answer because it’s how your brain works, this too is my struggle and reason for asking. 
    logically I know nothing will change but I just feel like I’m stuck like I need a reason to act and feel the way I do.

    I hope you get the answers that will help you.

  • Thanks, it’s just the knowing why I’ve struggled for the last 50+ years and I haven’t been mad or bad. It’s putting the demon to bed. I hope you find your answers.

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