Hi, I'm Michael

Hi, I'm Michael, a male in my 50's who took early retirement to focus on my passions. I'm an avid traveler and love exploring new places across the UK (usually enjoying live theatre locally and in London). When I'm not travelling, you can find me at home playing piano and studying music—currently studying towards ABRSM Grade 3 Practical and Grade 6 Theory.  

As an autistic individual, I've learned to appreciate the value of routine and structure, and I find that my hobbies and interests provide a sense of comfort and stability in my life. I also enjoy walking with friends and spending time outdoors, especially in nature—just as long as there is a good cafe nearby!

I hope to connect with others who share my interests and experiences. If you're a fellow music lover or theatre enthusiast, or if you simply want to chat about life on the autism spectrum, feel free to get in touch.

  • Hi Michael and welcome.  I love walking in nature. I frequent different cafes both near nature and in cities. I go to a particular cafe at the same time Monday, Wednesday and Friday sit in the same seat and time myself for a one and a half hour stay.  I love all kinds of music. Have spikey profile with music. Dissertation on the Collaboration of Schoenberg and Kandinski. Studied music theory but now can’t remember where middle C is on the staff.  Did Karnatic theory. First band I saw was Black Sabbath for 80 pence.  Love Hildegard Von Bingen. Just been dancing to Status Quo. Practiced for years but would find it hard to play in a band. Love people. 

  • That makes me feel better about never knowing what key something is in. I just go 'it has those two sharps, ok I'll remember that' but it never translates unless I make myself play out the scale. Then I immediately forget! It sounds like you're in a different league though overall with music. I just have a bash at the odd choon - mashing the keys with these clumsy mits. It's it's own stim I suppose. I was away from my place/piano for three days there and kept wanting to press the keys.

  • That makes me feel better about never knowing what key something is in. I just go 'it has those two sharps, ok I'll remember that' but it never translates unless I make myself play out the scale. Then I immediately forget! It sounds like you're in a different league though overall with music. I just have a bash at the odd choon - mashing the keys with these clumsy mits. It's it's own stim I suppose. I was away from my place/piano for three days there and kept wanting to press the keys.

  • Shardovan, I can spell out (and play) all the Major and Minors scales, their related modes, the pentatonic and blues scales. These are the ones that interest me because they are used the ones used in contemporary songs and classical pieces.  The more unusual and exotic scales that exist are not of much interest to me because they are rarely used, and so I never take the time to learn them. 

  • I have forgotten about keys although did learn them once.  I would not say I am a good musician. I wonder if Autism explains my journey with it. A bit like being backward academically in some ways as a child but educated in other ways but such a splodge mix it doesn’t get applied in the real world.