Favourite special interest facts

Hello everyone,

I hope that you are all feeling okay. I was wondering whether you could please share your favourite facts about your special interests. I think that it would be a good way for me to distract myself from feeling upset, and maybe it will help other people too.

Thank you.

  • Original Doctor Who companion and second character to speak a line in the very first episode, Ian Chesterton, was played by an actor - William Russell- who was about to enter his fortieth year when they shot those first scenes, in 1963. He’s still with us, and recently broke a world record for longest gap between appearances of a character/same actor in a show when he turned up in Jodie’s last story just a few months back. 57 years, 120 days. He’s also a true gent and lovely man and I hope he makes it to 100 and beyond. 

  • I didn't much like (or understand, tbh) The Power of the Doctor, but I did smile when I saw William Russell at the end. Also Bonnie Langford, as she gets a lot of undeserved flak and I was pleased she hasn't been disowned by the new series.

  • I didn't much like (or understand, tbh) The Power of the Doctor, but I did smile when I saw William Russell at the end. Also Bonnie Langford, as she gets a lot of undeserved flak and I was pleased she hasn't been disowned by the new series.

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