Favourite special interest facts

Hello everyone,

I hope that you are all feeling okay. I was wondering whether you could please share your favourite facts about your special interests. I think that it would be a good way for me to distract myself from feeling upset, and maybe it will help other people too.

Thank you.

  • Original Doctor Who companion and second character to speak a line in the very first episode, Ian Chesterton, was played by an actor - William Russell- who was about to enter his fortieth year when they shot those first scenes, in 1963. He’s still with us, and recently broke a world record for longest gap between appearances of a character/same actor in a show when he turned up in Jodie’s last story just a few months back. 57 years, 120 days. He’s also a true gent and lovely man and I hope he makes it to 100 and beyond. 

  • Some days when I’m feeling my age I think about William Russell, nearly in his fifth decade then and still around now, and still with a twinkle and a pure heart that seems to have weathered the ages intact. And things don’t seem so bad. Like Kirk in Star Trek lI it makes me think ‘I feel young’. It’s all relative. 

  • Some days when I’m feeling my age I think about William Russell, nearly in his fifth decade then and still around now, and still with a twinkle and a pure heart that seems to have weathered the ages intact. And things don’t seem so bad. Like Kirk in Star Trek lI it makes me think ‘I feel young’. It’s all relative. 

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