
Hi All,

I'm very new to this and tbh a little nervous about the response. I am not diagnosed but (after a fair amount of research, cross checking etc). I believe i am likely to be on the spectrum but haven't the courage  to tackle it head on. I'm relatively functional in that i have a job but i feel exhausted and that i am hanging on by my fingernails. Any directions, help pointer setc would be more than helpful as currently its just plug on.

  • Hi Ian,

    Welcome to the community. Have you had a look at any online tests to see how highly you score? It might be a good indicator as to whether you're autistic. If you score high then maybe you could think about talking to your GP about it as well.

    Nice to have you here with us.

  • i've no external signs of issues, but internally i feel alot of problems, general feeling of not being not good enough, ruminations, playing and replaying conversations that have / yet to happen + a very blunt assessment of truth and inability to lie.. I used to have a very niave view of life that got me through to 30.. that everyone wasn't decietful.. 

  • i've no external signs of issues, but internally i feel alot of problems, general feeling of not being not good enough, ruminations, playing and replaying conversations that have / yet to happen + a very blunt assessment of truth and inability to lie.. I used to have a very niave view of life that got me through to 30.. that everyone wasn't decietful.. 

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