Trying to find people with the same interests as me

Is there anyone who likes Roblox and likes to play military games and is interested in the military? I have a group of Friends but they don't like the same stuff as i do i play the stuff they like but they never play the stuff i like. I'm interested in history and Politics I'm a teenager. (I may not be in contact immediately since this isn't my main computer but will be checking tomorrow)

  • I don't have any personal experience with those things unfortunately, but it may be worth looking for tabletop gaming groups and LARP (live action role-play) groups near you, or historical re-enactment groups. Airsoft might also be an option if there's a group near you, though depending on your age you might need an adult with you.

  • I'm heavily into History and Politics.  But unfortunately i am much older than you.  I will bump this thread to the top of the forum for you.