
Hi I'm Leaves (Jess),

I've been lucky enough to get an early diagnosis and I feel it's made things easier for me as a lot more made sense in the last few years. There's still a lot of confusion too but having my diagnosis has made a huge difference to me in a good way.

I'm a naturalist, I've done this for a few years now and I never want to stop. From a young age I was obsessed with nature, the world, animals. I knew I'd end up doing something to do with all that for my work, I was obsessed and still am, it's my special interest and I love sharing it with the rest of the world!

Doing this and making videos I get to work with a lot of people and I'm doing my best to raise awareness for autism by sharing my own journey which has had its moments. Autism is just a word, we can do anything we want to, just have to believe and keep going. That's what I did.

I'm currently working on a book. I'm hoping to have that finished by the end of summer. Hopefully published by Christmas. I've already published two books and done audio versions for those who prefer that - myself included. Lol.

I'm so glad to be diagnosed as autistic. I feel from that day I've opened a new exciting chapter in my life and I've not looked back since. Life throws many challenges my way but I face them all with my head held high.

There's more about me on my profile page, though I may have written too much like I have here. Sorry.

Oh, and Happy Autism Acceptance Week!

  • Hi Jess, nice to have you with us and also nice to hear that your autism diagnosis has had such a positive impact for you

    I also love nature.....i've decided to focus on helping the bees and other pollinators this year by planting lots of bee friendly plants in my garden. Will upload a pic of my new Bumble Bee house soon

    Well done RE the book writing. I'm hoping to write my first in the near future 

  • Hi Jess, nice to have you with us and also nice to hear that your autism diagnosis has had such a positive impact for you

    I also love nature.....i've decided to focus on helping the bees and other pollinators this year by planting lots of bee friendly plants in my garden. Will upload a pic of my new Bumble Bee house soon

    Well done RE the book writing. I'm hoping to write my first in the near future 

  • Hi Jamie, thanks so much. Good to here. I saw Nas on Twitter and decided I would join up. The diagnosis has been life-changing for me, I feel so much wiser and better now I know.

    Have you been here for long?

    Good for you R.E. the bees. The world needs more people looking out for them. I've got some hives in one of my fields, I will upload a pic later on as well.

    Good luck with your book! I hope it's everything you're hoping for and more.