OAP first post about myself

I am 69 yo and was assessed at age 64 when I was diagnosed with High Function Asperger's syndrome, this came as a shock and a surprise to me, but I knew that there was something wrong with the way I acted in different situations.  I have been called a lot of things in my life such as stupid, irresponsible, could not care less, and the like.

I also have problems interacting with some people and relationships I have been married 3 times I have 4 children, 2 of which I never see due to my interactions with them and their mother, 2nd wife died leaving me with 2 daughters who I brought up when they were very young (5 months and 14 months) until I met my 3rd wife, who I married and now we are separated, my daughters are in their 30s now and I only see 1 of them.  We lived in Spain for a number of years where I got involved with the local community and joined the local political party and eventually got voted into the town hall as a town Councillor I read/write and speak Spanish fluently I also speak German which helped me along the way.  My wife and children wanted to move back to the UK, which left me without a cause really and disappointed at moving back to the cold and wet place that I hated, this led to my children moving out and getting jobs, and then my wife and I separated.

I live alone now in a 1 bedroomed apartment, which I don't mind too much, but I enjoy some company now and then and going out (which is not often these days) I drive and love to go out on trips but I always find it difficult to muster the energy/courage whatever to do this.  I have limited friends due to my living like a hermit I try to go out but my anxiety kicks in leaving me to question why I should go out and I'll leave it til tomorrow and again that does not happen.


  • Hi and welcome. Hope you find this place gives you some company and support, it's a really nice community who will 'get' you. 

    I'm a fellow hermit, though it seems you had a very full life before adopting that mode - that's an impressive biog! Anyway, hello and best wishes. 

  • Hi and welcome. Hope you find this place gives you some company and support, it's a really nice community who will 'get' you. 

    I'm a fellow hermit, though it seems you had a very full life before adopting that mode - that's an impressive biog! Anyway, hello and best wishes. 

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