Anyone else Autistic and caring for an elderly parent?

Hi everyone. I've been recently diagnosed and wondered if anyone else is Autistic and a carer? 

My diagnosis wasn't a surprise, I have always been playing the board game of life without knowing the rules or having any instructions. 

Anyhoo, as an adult who has just hit 60, in a full time demanding job and looking after my elderly, frail mother, I sometimes feel as if I am totally alone in this regard. My mum was always the one who looked after me , completely understood how I was different to my 4  siblings (although didn't know why) and now the tables have turned and life is very hard. My sibling don't help and quite frankly, don't care. 

Anyone else in the same or similar position?

  • I cared for my mum from 1993 until her passing in 2012.  It was a nightmare that just got worse and worse.  Her dementia and other health problems just got worse over time, never better.

    I gave up work in 1993 and started official caring after an insane situation.  I came home for the weekend on a Saturday morning to find my father watching TV at almost full volume. When I turned it down I heard my mother crying out in pain upstairs.  She has spent two days asking him to call a doctor, he ignored her request and just turned the volume on the television up so he couldn't hear her.

    After I called a doctor and she went to hospital they  diagnosed pneumonia and a possible heart attack.  She then spent 3 weeks in hospital.

  • I cared for my mum from 1993 until her passing in 2012.  It was a nightmare that just got worse and worse.  Her dementia and other health problems just got worse over time, never better.

    I gave up work in 1993 and started official caring after an insane situation.  I came home for the weekend on a Saturday morning to find my father watching TV at almost full volume. When I turned it down I heard my mother crying out in pain upstairs.  She has spent two days asking him to call a doctor, he ignored her request and just turned the volume on the television up so he couldn't hear her.

    After I called a doctor and she went to hospital they  diagnosed pneumonia and a possible heart attack.  She then spent 3 weeks in hospital.

  • an insane situation

    So sorry to read that.

    It must have been so stressful for you.

    It reminded me of what happened with my dad.

    He had a heart attack overnight.

    My mum didn't call an ambulance until many hours later.

    She said it was because he said he didn't want one but she was also very wary of medical intervention (and refused it for herself).

    He died that day.

    He had had a heart attack previously in a public place and died and an angel in disguise gave him the kiss of life so we had a couple more years of his life Heart eyes.