Struggling to help daughter

Hi everyone

My daughter is 16yrs and currently awaiting appointment for assessment for ADHD/ASD and she's having a burn out I think as she hasn't left her room since the weekend and other than bringing her meals and trying to coax her out not sure what else I should be doing.

  • At that age I just wanted to be left on my own. To get lost in a book or play music - escape social pressure and learn things. Be allowed to sit with my thoughts uninterrupted. This is how we learn. 

    Jane Goodall did just this for months on a stretch living off bananas (a rather perfect food) just absorbing and observing- uninterrupted. 

    I encourage my son to have a full day off once a week, no structure, no expectations, just be and be lost in “free play” which we don’t allow kids to do much in society, yet it’s incredibly beneficial. While he’s older now, we’ve focused on growing his character and being. There’s time to be flung into society, but everyone has a much better time when one is ready. 

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