Where to begin

Hi everyone

I’m a mum of a 29 year old son who has just been diagnosed with autism. We had suspected this for some time

Our son has difficulty with the social aspect amongst other things too

Because he finds making friends so hard, he doesn’t  actually have any friends and didn’t at school either. 
He spends every day in his room with his gaming and TV

i was just wondering if anybody could tell us the next steps we should take. Unfortunately there are no meeting groups in our area

many thanks for any help you can give us

  • Support groups (even if it’s here), further reading, educational courses in autism perspective, CBT, and plentiful opportunities to do his special interests..  Getting a diagnosis is a great catalyst for getting out into the community and deepening his roots.  
    Just see that you support his interest in his diagnosis; and ward off any overloading by distracting him from stressors and listening to any ranting he may be compelled to let out. Remember he needs to lead his development..:)

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