
Hi, I have just joined and have a couple of questions I am seeking advice for.
My son is in a high coin unit. He has a diagnosis of asd, adhd and we think he has VD or DLD also. His behaviour became disruptive in the classroom last term. He is having an Emergency Review soon where we will discuss a transition.
He is not at all disruptive at home.
My two questions are:
1. He has been described as calmer this term, however becomes dysregulated when a Visitor comes into the unit. The staff prepare children with visuals however this is not working for him. Would you of other support that staff could implement?
2. When a Visitor came in last week his behaviour was described by the Teacher as ‘violent’. Last term when he kicked a staff and he has thrown some items in the classroom he was also described as violent. The term violent does not sit quite right with me. Have you any advice if this is a term that is used or is there an alternative?
I Tutor and support children with a PDA profile and cannot ever imagine I would use this word.
  • high coin

    never heard of this?

    VD or DLD

    The only VD I know is venereal disease which seems unlikely. Would you like to expand those acronyms?

    becomes dysregulated when a Visitor comes into the unit.

    I'm not persuaded the term dysregulated is at all useful in general and this sentence is a good example of this. I want to know how he reacts to the visitor. Is he afraid of them, angry with them? Angry with the teacher. What does he say. Has he been asked why he doesn't like visitors?

    More generally it's been my observation that physical force ... if you prefer the term to violence, is used in lieu of conversation as a form of communication. He can't make them understand how angry he is and why he is angry so he uses physical force on them. It's a pattern he probably learnt from adults who probably use physical force on him whenever they are frustrated and unable to persuade him to do what they want.

    Either way the solution is more conversation. Asking him how he feels, what he wants, why he wants it. Argument and negotiation. etc.

  • VD is verbal dyspraxia
    DLD is developmental language disorder

    high Coin is high communication needs

    I am a bit shocked about learnt behaviour comment. I have never seen anyone kick my son Face palm tone1

    so yes he cannot verbalise and let us know exactly what the problem is. Maybe it is that someone unknown is coming into their classroom and his frustration is more so as he cannot verbalise well at all.

    I have had a reply in another group where instead of using the term ‘violent’ this should be described as ‘dysregulated’. I agree with this.

  • I am a bit shocked about learnt behaviour comment. I have never seen anyone kick my son

    No it typically wouldn’t be kicking. But kids frequently get picked up, dragged places they don’t want to go. Slapped on the wrist from time to time or by more traditional parents spanked. The application of physical force to get your way. From an adults perspective there can be a million miles of difference between kicking someone in the shin and dragging them across the room but to a child it can be a meaningless distinction.

    if he can’t communicate at all, verbally, in writing, through hand signals or cards etc, then I’m not sure there is much you can do? But if it’s that bad he’s probably a candidate for one to one teaching anyway?

  • Thank you for this considered reply.

    He should have an additional 1-1 time but as it appears across the country, the positions are not being applied for. He does learn better in quieter spaces,
    and well we are working on a few areas to improve areas of support, as we have done for a few years. Parts of the system are as the expression goes, like wading through treacle.

  • Thank you for this considered reply.

    He should have an additional 1-1 time but as it appears across the country, the positions are not being applied for. He does learn better in quieter spaces,
    and well we are working on a few areas to improve areas of support, as we have done for a few years. Parts of the system are as the expression goes, like wading through treacle.

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