
Hi, I'm Rai. I am currently waiting for an assessment via Right to Choose with Psychiatry UK - referral was confirmed by my GP on 3rd February. I'm 42 and transgender ftm. I'm studying a BA in Education Studies with TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) and planning a MA by Thesis related to translanguaging afterwards. 

I am going through a lot of change and 'new' at the moment and really struggling so I thought I should look for some peer support.

I enjoy learning about languages and I am currently studying Mandarin, Klingon, Swahili and Hungarian - I like learning how languages work rather than how to speak them. I am also a bit of a Dr Who fan. 

I would love to have some people to talk to who share my interests. 

Not sure what else to say.

Parents Reply Children
  • That sounds great!

    I really want to learn to read music, but I'm so easily distracted by my other interests 

  • That's awesome! I like a lot of nonverbal communication and researching that, but I guess that makes sense since I don't get people at all. 

    I like music, but more from the unusual perspective, I like things that break the rules (same with languages and teaching actually). Feel free to chat away if you ever fancy, it'll make me feel less guilty about doing it myself Joy