
Hi, I'm Rai. I am currently waiting for an assessment via Right to Choose with Psychiatry UK - referral was confirmed by my GP on 3rd February. I'm 42 and transgender ftm. I'm studying a BA in Education Studies with TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) and planning a MA by Thesis related to translanguaging afterwards. 

I am going through a lot of change and 'new' at the moment and really struggling so I thought I should look for some peer support.

I enjoy learning about languages and I am currently studying Mandarin, Klingon, Swahili and Hungarian - I like learning how languages work rather than how to speak them. I am also a bit of a Dr Who fan. 

I would love to have some people to talk to who share my interests. 

Not sure what else to say.

  • Hi Rai, I'm Alice.

    I teach ESL and am also a big fan of languages. I'm not great at speaking them, but I've collected the basics of about 13 (and by basic, I mean basic lol). I enjoy learning the different ways people express themselves and how that changes depending on the language and culture. I guess this might be an extension of my general interest in people and how they interact, something I'm beginning to think I will never understand.

    If you ever want to talk about anything, I'm always here to listen and offer my (sometimes questionable and always optional) advice Grinning

  • Hi Alice!

    Yes I can relate. I think that's why I like languages too. I love watching people, but some recent dating experiences have taught me that I still don't get people and possibly never will.

    I find languages are a window into how people live and how they see the world. I know the Sapier- Worf hypothesis is controversial but I thought no it has something going for it. 

    Have you read Through the language glass?

  • I have not. Would you recommend it?

    I'm beginning to notice just how much time I spend watching others when I'm in a group situation, normally focusing on one person at a time. I think it's a requirement for my brain to assess the situation and decide where I fit in before actually attempting to do so.

    It's possible that I'm going through a phase of over analysing my behaviours at the moment lol

  • Yes, I feel like I'm missing out. I would love to visualise at all. I can't imagine anything, not even feelings I was absolutely fine about that until I found out that people can imagine with all their senses. 

    I would love to experience it just once. 

  • I was actually triggered recently by an article about AI artwork, there were some cool psychedelic paintings and someone had commented that they looked like dreams. I was so sad about missing out on the whole dreaming experience that I had to stop reading and put the article away Joy

  • I'm well jealous. Dreams sound like fun. I have a friend who can dream walk too, she has some interesting insights into how you can tell when something is real or not...

  • It really is interesting isn't it? No I don't remember my dreams unless they are night terrors. Again, I may remember feelings but don't know where they've come from. 

  • My commiserations to you.  I rarely remember my dreams, but when I do, they are often hum dingers!  They always leave me with LOTS to think about.  I do love to dream!

  • Oooo! How interesting! I'm not sure I remember sounds either, just pictures and feelings... 

    May I ask, do you remember your dreams? I don't. It's like a light on, light off situation. Occasionally, I'm vaguely aware of having dreamt but that's it.

  • It really is. I only feel my memories other than that everything is blank, no visuals, no sounds, no smells (who knew that was a thing) just feelings and they're so much more intense than the first time around, but at the same time abstract. It's really odd. 

  • It's nice knowing you're not alone though, isn't it? Do you have 3rd person memories too? Some things I remember from outside the situation, like I was watching a TV programme. I know it's just my imagination, but I wonder what causes memories like that...

  • I do that too. I only just found out it wasn't how everyone remembers so you have my unequivocal sympathy on that.

  • Interesting. I shall have to look into getting myself a copy... Thanks for the recommendation.

    We're all human and make mistakes. I like to look at them as learning opportunities, even the horrible cringey ones. Which can be difficult sometimes, I relive feelings when I remember things so I get a second (often stronger) dose of discomfort lol

  • Interesting. I shall have to look into getting myself a copy... Thanks for the recommendation.

    We're all human and make mistakes. I like to look at them as learning opportunities, even the horrible cringey ones. Which can be difficult sometimes, I relive feelings when I remember things so I get a second (often stronger) dose of discomfort lol

  • Yes, I feel like I'm missing out. I would love to visualise at all. I can't imagine anything, not even feelings I was absolutely fine about that until I found out that people can imagine with all their senses. 

    I would love to experience it just once. 

  • I was actually triggered recently by an article about AI artwork, there were some cool psychedelic paintings and someone had commented that they looked like dreams. I was so sad about missing out on the whole dreaming experience that I had to stop reading and put the article away Joy

  • I'm well jealous. Dreams sound like fun. I have a friend who can dream walk too, she has some interesting insights into how you can tell when something is real or not...

  • It really is interesting isn't it? No I don't remember my dreams unless they are night terrors. Again, I may remember feelings but don't know where they've come from. 

  • My commiserations to you.  I rarely remember my dreams, but when I do, they are often hum dingers!  They always leave me with LOTS to think about.  I do love to dream!

  • Oooo! How interesting! I'm not sure I remember sounds either, just pictures and feelings... 

    May I ask, do you remember your dreams? I don't. It's like a light on, light off situation. Occasionally, I'm vaguely aware of having dreamt but that's it.

  • It really is. I only feel my memories other than that everything is blank, no visuals, no sounds, no smells (who knew that was a thing) just feelings and they're so much more intense than the first time around, but at the same time abstract. It's really odd. 

  • It's nice knowing you're not alone though, isn't it? Do you have 3rd person memories too? Some things I remember from outside the situation, like I was watching a TV programme. I know it's just my imagination, but I wonder what causes memories like that...

  • I do that too. I only just found out it wasn't how everyone remembers so you have my unequivocal sympathy on that.