

How are you? Smile

I was diagnosed on Tuesday which was my birthday. Usually I hate birthdays but I liked this one because it felt like I finally know who I am. The relief was immense and much needed after not knowing who I was all my life. I wish id known earlier tbh but im happy to know now. 

What is ur fave TV series? Just try to be nice and make convo. Mine is Stranger Things!

Parents Reply Children
  • Thx so much. All my life I felt strange and couldn't understand why I was different and now I no why and its the best feeling

    You are very welcome. Many of us including myself can resonate with the feelings you state above, I hope this is comforting for you. Needless to say, you are perfectly autistic, not strange!

    I understand what you mean about autistic identification being the best feeling, I feel the same way.  I am so glad for you, everyone deserves to know who they are!

    Everything makes sense through a newly realised autistic lens. Welcome to your autistic tribe, in time hopefully you will learn more about what being autistic means for you.

    Thx for the link as well. This was an interesting watch

    If you are interested in watching more of these videos, here is the link to the Aucademy YouTube channel:


    I hope you enjoy the videos as much as I do! Look forward to chatting with you more.