

How are you? Smile

I was diagnosed on Tuesday which was my birthday. Usually I hate birthdays but I liked this one because it felt like I finally know who I am. The relief was immense and much needed after not knowing who I was all my life. I wish id known earlier tbh but im happy to know now. 

What is ur fave TV series? Just try to be nice and make convo. Mine is Stranger Things!

  • Hi Pookie, I was diagnosed (unofficially) a few months ago, and I'm slowly adjusting  to the 'new' me and re-learning a few skills etc. I also wished I knew earlier then I might of handled or done things differently.  I prefer movies to TV series. I use them as a way to 'escape' the real world for an hour or two. 

  • Hi sarah glad u self diagnosed and joined. Its a great feeling knowing u belong! What's ur fave movie? I like to escape the rush of lifein a Series and movie

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