
Hi there i am in the process of getting an autism diagnosis. I've got to say it's a breath of fresh air reading the posts on here. I'm so happy i'm not alone. The question i have is what kind of work do people do as i have done various jobs but struggle with the social side of it.  

  • I'm a technical writer in regulatory affairs. It's very detail-oriented, in-depth, solitary work, and I work from home so I'm able to control my environment. It took a lot of learning to get here but being able to work on my own doing deep dives into niche subjects has been great so far. More so since I stopped having to mask all the time in an open-plan office!

    My job is a rather stereotypical 'lots of autistic people here' job but it suits me well, so I can see myself doing it for a while yet.

  • Sounds good , glad for you. It's nice to hear there are jobs out there that allow us to be ourselves.

Reply Children
  • Thank you! Yeah it's nice to have a job that plays to my strengths and lets me avoid a lot of the struggles I had with in-person work. My previous job promoted me into a management role and I really hated it- I much prefer being an individual contributor.