Telling younger relatives about Autism

I'm in my early 30s

I live in Stevenage, Hertfordshire 

I was diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome at age 5

I have two young girl cousins aged 7 and 8 who live in London who, as far as I know, are neurotypical and I want to help them learn to understand that I am Autistic

Any advice?

  • Hiya,

    Kids are usually the most understanding and accepting.

    Just explain it so they understand. You are different and you have autism, explain that sometimes that means you struggle with things (sensory overload, social situations, etc.) and then explain how there are also strengths (like special interests etc.). Tell them they can ask any questions they like. they might want to know how they can help when you are having a bad day so maybe provide some suggestions

    There are lots of books aimed at slightly younger children, they might be happy for you to read them with them so will name a couple below:

    Just right for you, my brother charlie, since we're friends, benny doesn't like to be hugged

    Libby Scott has 4 books on autism, they are aimed at children 9+, again no reason why you can't read them to your cousins, or take turns. 

    There are loads of videos on youtube so maybe have a look at those too.

    Try to be as open with them as you can, it will help them to understand

    Good luck with it, let us know how it goes

    Alisha xx

  • Thank you, that was very much appreciated.

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