

i have a 17 year old son who I believe maybe on the spectrum- he has so many "symptoms" but he doesn't understand what is happening to himself or think he needs supplier- he doesn't think anyone cares about him or listens to him- I would be so very grateful if anyone could offer me some advice please as I don't know where to turn. I have tried early intervention, CAHMs and the Gp and because he won't give his consent no one will help - I am desperate 

  • he won't give his consent no one will help

    That seems to be the crux of the problem.

    It may be worth showing him some printed material on the behaviours that are typical for Autists and tell him that there is a lot of support for people like him out there.

    Use the fact that he doesn't think anyone cares or listens to show that you have - if he is autistic then he probably has a strong base in logic so this could well be the best way to give the facts and offer connection to services to understand himself better.

    If you can overcome this initial mix of teenage rebellion and the disconnect that many of us Autists feel then you are well on the wat to helping him understand and accept the situation.

    Once he has a diagnosis then you can get help much more tailored to his needs.

    Ultimately though, if he won't engage then you can't help, so maybe try to work out who he does listen to and see if they will help him look for help.

    Good luck.