Hello and a question about Xmas

Hello all!

My name is Darren, and I live with my partner, my 12 year old step son (well step-son in all but actual being married part) who is Neuro-Typical, our 3 year old son Theo, who is being assessed for Autism (only been going through that for 18 months!) and our 4 month old Beagle Luna. 

We have thought Theo has Autism since he was aboue 18 months old, and over time more experts have came along and agreed with us, but still a ways to go yet. Theo is completely non verbal which does make everyday life interesting at times!

Anyway, onto my Xmas questions. I have two of them;

1) Theo loves the Xmas tree when we put it up, mainly due to the lights as he loves lights. However, he has a terrible habit of trying to take all the decorations off it! And with a puppy now it will probably be ten times worse! So does anyone have any advice on how to stop this other than having half your tree bald so he cant reach the ornaments? Theo shows little understanding of verbal communication and unless they are books he likes, shows no interest in books so social stories will probably be a bit of a miss. HE is also quite stubborn and will continue to go back to do t time and time again even if you move him away and tell him no.

2) What the hell can we get Theo for Christmas!? This is an issue for the past 18 months, and was a nightmare for his birthday but at least that is in the Summer so Summery toys worked well. Theo likes lights, collecting small objects, water, jumping and TV. We have an outdoor trampoline but don't really have room for a trampet, but he seems just fine on the rocking horse we have, or his little rocking chair as a substitute. He has a disco light my Dad bought for him int he living room, and in his bedroom a lullaby light box, my Mathmos Tuba light, and a disco lightbulb my dad got on Ebay. He also loves dinoaurs. 

Any suggestions or answers to these questions would be greatly appreciated!