Hair Brushing

Hi everyone. I'm new to the forum.. my daughter is 5 - she was diagnosed  at 3 ½ years old. She has sensory autism. 

I'm looking for any advice.. I've come to a brick wall! Hair brushing! She will not let me brush her hair.

 I can only just wash it in the bath but can't brush it or run my fingers through it - nothing. She hates the brushes and throws them. I have managed so far to just clip it back and put a bobble in it for nursery but it is starting to dreadlock..

Does anyone have any advice or tips? I am starting to think ill just have to leave it to dreadlock until she's abot older but I really don't want to if I can avoid it. 

I appreciate any help!



  • If you can’t even run your fingers through it you’ll probably end up with a matted lump rather than dreadlocks. I agree with Mariusz about cutting it, even shoulder length makes my daughter’s hair much more manageable but I appreciate that there may be other sensory issues with that process. How long is her hair?

  • If you can’t even run your fingers through it you’ll probably end up with a matted lump rather than dreadlocks. I agree with Mariusz about cutting it, even shoulder length makes my daughter’s hair much more manageable but I appreciate that there may be other sensory issues with that process. How long is her hair?

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