
Hello everybody,
I only recently registered in this forum because I find it interesting to exchange ideas with autistic people from other countries. I live in Germany and was diagnosed in 2008. In addition, I am currently trying to network with like-minded people for joint projects. For example, I started a self-help group with a friend last month. An exchange of experiences across national borders could also be very inspiring for the implementation of various projects. Besides, I could of course also improve my English skills.;-) On the other hand, working with computers is not exactly one of my core competencies. So hopefully you'll forgive me if I accidentally make a mistake. Otherwise, I'm looking forward to an interesting exchange with you. :-)
  • Greetings Madrugada.  Welcome to this place.

    Your English is very good....although the title of this thread should read "hello" rather than "hallo" if you are interested in receiving well-meaning observations of any mistakes?

    One thing I would say is that your writing is displaying itself in a weird infinite-scroll on a single line.  It's not a problem, just unusual?

    I like your eclectic and unique taste in music.

    Hope you have a good Sunday.

  • Corrections are welcome on my part. 
    However, because of my visual impairment,
    I mostly use the google translator.
    The endless text in one line has to do
    with the fact that I work a lot with
    copy and paste. Thank you for praising
    my taste in music. I wish you a good start
    into the coming week.
  • I have noticed that depending on what device I am using, the layout, font and and features are often displayed differently.  When I send out messages, I'm never sure how they will display at the precipitant's device.   It frustrates me!  The dimensions of peoples displays is a big unknown factor too.

    Anyway - sorry for the ramble.  Work must be my priority today - expensive time of year!!

    Wishing you a happy week.

  • Who are you telling that to. 
    That's why I'm rather reluctant
    to use different emojis. But
    maybe my problem reading faces
    has also been transferred to
  • Emojis (or simlies as you call them) are a law unto their own.......or to put that another way......Emojis seem to decide for themselves what will be displayed and what is available to you - I think device and software updates are the key driver of emojis rather than provider.

  • What I also find strange is that, 
    depending on the provider, you
    cannot rely on the clear statement
    of smylies. I wish you a nice week too.
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