Diagnosis at 36


I've finally been diagnosed after a lifetime of struggle. I'm a 37 year old woman (diagnosed last year) who's coming to terms with bring autistic. I've suffered from depression, anxiety and OCD since childhood, alongside sensory issues and chronic pain (which I fully believe is related to my autism). 

I don't know how to deal with what I've been told. I feel like my life could have been so different with a little more support and understanding (both from myself and my family). My husband knows of my diagnosis but I haven't told my family as they're not very open minded and tend to brush off anything I say, even though they have watched me struggle. I also have a history of substance abuse - I use to escape reality (I am currently sober but don't want to fall back).

Id love to hear from any other adult women who deal with the same. Maybe we can share coping strategies or perhaps you have some advice to help me through.

  • Hi,

    Im not a woman but i can identify with what you are going through. 

    I was diagnosed recently at age 42 and i didnt realise it would send me into a spin. I am still trying to find out who i am, and trying to cope with daily life. 

    I too find there is little support out there for us who seem to 'function' ok in society. The anxieties we have learned to mask dont seem to matter to muggles. 

    I am an ex substance user for the exact same reasons too. Right now i am stressing because i am trying to juggle work, decorating the home, exercise and my step work for CA. Its too much to cope with and i just want to run away from it all. 

    I struggle with more than one thing to deal with at a time and my wife is really trying but doesnt understand how it feels. She just keeps telling me all the things that still need to be done, even though i am doing my best. 

    i am three months sober and clinging on by my fingertips. 

    Its nice in a way to read your post, as i find comfort in the fact i am not alone in my struggles. 

    Im sorry i dont have any pearls of wisdom for you, but if you need to vent im a good listener. My sponsor tells me to try to avoid the big picture when i feel overwhelmed and take the next 24 hours at a time MAX. Sometimes just the next 60 minutes is all i can manage and it does help a little. 

    Sending you positive thoughts. 


  • Hi,

    Im not a woman but i can identify with what you are going through. 

    I was diagnosed recently at age 42 and i didnt realise it would send me into a spin. I am still trying to find out who i am, and trying to cope with daily life. 

    I too find there is little support out there for us who seem to 'function' ok in society. The anxieties we have learned to mask dont seem to matter to muggles. 

    I am an ex substance user for the exact same reasons too. Right now i am stressing because i am trying to juggle work, decorating the home, exercise and my step work for CA. Its too much to cope with and i just want to run away from it all. 

    I struggle with more than one thing to deal with at a time and my wife is really trying but doesnt understand how it feels. She just keeps telling me all the things that still need to be done, even though i am doing my best. 

    i am three months sober and clinging on by my fingertips. 

    Its nice in a way to read your post, as i find comfort in the fact i am not alone in my struggles. 

    Im sorry i dont have any pearls of wisdom for you, but if you need to vent im a good listener. My sponsor tells me to try to avoid the big picture when i feel overwhelmed and take the next 24 hours at a time MAX. Sometimes just the next 60 minutes is all i can manage and it does help a little. 

    Sending you positive thoughts. 


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