Desperate mum

Hi everyone, new to the community! 

Not sure what I'm hoping for ( a magic wand would be amazing if anyone has one) but here goes.

My 15 year old child has been struggling for almost 2.5 years with mental health, GP referred to CAMHS and we are now seeing a psychiatrist who has raised the question of ASD. School has been less than helpful with sorting out a referral as my child is not attending so they are arguing over who is supposed to submit the referral. 

Got ourselves a family support worker who is fab but there's only so much they can do when other services are not willing to qork as a team to try and help.

I'm at a loss as to where to turn anymore, my child is non verbal and has been for nearly 6 months now. Everyday is a struggle and life as we knew it has completely disappeared.

I've looked at private diagnostic services but everyone is saying that the NHS won't accept it, the cost is high aswell, not that you can put a price on getting your child the right help and support but I can't even get the referral process started.

Not even sure why I'm here but hoping that maybe someone else is going through the same/similar with trying to get help and has some advice or even a positive outcome from this.

Sorry for the long story, don't really feel like I have anywhere else to turn right now

  • Hi - I’m sorry your child is struggling and that you’re also struggling to help and get support. Has your child been referred for an autism assessment? It would be good to do that if you haven’t already. 
    The main thing is that you do all you can to reassure and give comfort to your child - in whatever way you can. Education is important but sometimes it has to take a back seat by necessity. There’s lots of support on here. Best of luck x

  • Hi - I’m sorry your child is struggling and that you’re also struggling to help and get support. Has your child been referred for an autism assessment? It would be good to do that if you haven’t already. 
    The main thing is that you do all you can to reassure and give comfort to your child - in whatever way you can. Education is important but sometimes it has to take a back seat by necessity. There’s lots of support on here. Best of luck x

  • Thank you for your kind words, it's getting the referral that we are struggling with. School won't do one as they aren't attending and CAMHS are saying its the schools responsibility.

    Tomorrow will be another day of phonecalls to try and get an answer one way or another, it's looking more likely that I will have to deregister them from school and self refer( the very last thing I want to do though).

    Thank you again for replying x