Advice for newly diagnosed, with dealing with unfairness

Hello everyone,

I'm mid 40s chap, recently diagnosed with ASD, and just trying to let it all sink in. If anyone can ooint me in the right direction for some guidance on dealing with certain things? (On here or elsewhere)

I struggle with communication, and often become overwhelmed when responses to points or answers I make, don't seem to relate to what Ive said at all. Makes me feel Im going crazy.

I'm also very much struggling when things arent "right" or "fair", how things should be. Again, it becomes overwhelming  - but often I'm  unable to walk away or let it go  because its a core feeling. Moreover, there is a large part inside, that even thiugh I cant seem to walk away, doesnt want to either! Ive identified something is not right, therefore is must be changed... Help! 

  • sure I'm in college rn but free to talk

  • Can I please talk 

  • Hi I'm Kawthar 19 and i attend city college i don't just have autism but many other disabilities. You're in the right place actually . I am not going to judge you but I also have similar symptoms as you I also have other learning disabilities which I won't say here . I'm not gonna share any personal info so if you want to speak to me privately you can talk here or my other social media platforms I have . I got diagnosed at 19 how crazy is that . I also have mental health illnesses which have been impacting me badly and yerah . I have a class now but send me a pm if you wanna talk .

  • Can you please add me so I can talk to you please 

  • I think autistic people do have a strong need for things to be right. I can certainly identify with this.. It can be small things or big things. Or often at work I feel frustrated as my logic seems different to those higher up but I just suck it up and don't want to rock the boat. I get frustrated with principles of matter. With regards to communication, I struggle with irrelevant waffle. If I ask a question,  I need a straight answer. Only this week I asked a colleague for help and I tried very carefully to word it so I'd get what I needed but it was still irrelevant. I know I also get stuck on things and I can have worked something through to the nth degree in my head but it won't go...and yes sometimes I don't want it to. I find meditation and mindfulness helps....a bit more accepting of "this is how things are" rather than "should be" and understanding that not everyone is like me so to give them (and me) a bit of grace.

  • Doing things by the book only gets us to a point. 

  • I can relate, especially to feeling overwhelmed by injustice. The world has so much unfairness and as children we are just told to get used to it! I sign petitions, it's a very small thing but better than not bothering. Just because I can only do a tiny thing doesn't mean it isn't worth doing because if enough people sign the petition sometimes things change for the better. It can get a bit much when my inbox is too full, but I try to just do what I can. And I try to not use too much plastic or waste things.

    If I wasn't a Christian though I think I might drown in despair. I know that God is more bothered by the injustice than I am and one day He will finish fixing it, but because He gave humans free will they will choose to abuse it and each other. I don't understand it because His thoughts are above mine and I would rather He stopped people before they did something horrible. But I trust Him that He knows better than me. I don't know if it is against policy to discuss faith, but this is how I best cope with the problem I share with you.

    Another thing I think of when I desperately want to fix something I can't is this cartoon:

    for some reason that helps me realise not only is it not possible for me to fix everything, it is bad for me and those around me for me to try! I have to pick my battles. Sometimes I will correct the person (if I think they will listen or if I really have to get it off my chest) usually I will let it pass.

  • Frozen,

    I can relate to that feeling so much!  I cannot stop thinking about it when:

    1.  Society deems it okay to slaughter animals in cruel ways.

    2. When people who have mental health conditions have to prove themselves for the support they are entitled to.

    3. When my arsehole tendencies come out and I feel a depth of guilt that causes me to be the sorry queen.

    I could write a book of all the things I feel are unjust but this is my lucky number and enough I feel to help you not feel so alone with everything.  I hope so anyways.