Just saying hello

I've always known that my brain was wired differently compared to your average neurotypical person. The clues were there - and not just small ones that could be hidden. Unfortunately I was just seen as being 'odd' or that I was being difficult on purpose. I masked my way through my childhood and my young adulthood as best as I could, but in my mid 20s it all caught up with me and I ended up burning out - so much so that I attempted to take my own life. During my stay in hospital and the subsequent evaluations I went through, I was labelled as having clinical depression and social anxiety issues. Autism was never mentioned once - neither was ADHD. When I hit my 40s I decided that I was sick of being fobbed off with basic counseling and antidepressants and decided to do my own research. By researching my traits I was able to find out about ADHD. I spent the next few years arming myself with a ton of information in order to feel confident enough to approach a GP about getting an official diagnosis. I did also do some research into autism, but felt the need to take things one step at a time.  After a couple of years on a waiting list I finally had my first evaluation in the Spring of this year. The lady who interviewed me listened patiently as I  unloaded my life story  on to her. She agreed that I do have ADHD traits, but said that some of the ones that stood out as causing me the most problems sounded more like Autistic traits. Lucky me - it would seem that I have been 'blessed' with both conditions. I'm still going through the official diagnosis system. I am very grateful for the NHS, but it is massively underfunded and under-staffed. Even transferring to the Right to Choose option has meant joining a long waiting list.  If you have read all of that ^, thank you for your time and patience. I hope that in joining groups like this I can finally accept who I am and find support from being around people who understand what I've been through.  

  • Welcome.  You write very efficiently and you describe your path to this place in a manner that makes me think that you are "my kinda people."

    Well done!  You have faced down your demons and are now popping up on the other (happier) side of competent self awareness.  That is my impression anyway.

    I hope you stick around and share some.  I have found this place to be fab.

    All the best.

  • ,

    I read all of your post and am proud that you're fighting the system to advocate for who you are.  I've been steadily coming to the realisation that I am autistic and have decided that proving myself to someone again and again is not something I want to put myself through.

    This community is here for you to post your thoughts and feelings and I have found it more helpful and supportive than many medical professionals who don't get me.  I do suspect the psychiatrist who "diagnosed" me with sensory processing disorder was Autistic because we got on so well.

    I think Autistics are naturally drawn to each other as I am seeing many traits in my non diagnosed friends and family members.  I initially thought it was because it's my special interest but I am not drawn to "superficial" people at all.  I don't like them. :-/