I'm 21 and I recently discovered I am autistic

Hi I'm Joe I'm a 21 year old guy who discovered the other day that I'm autistic I genuinely had no idea. Ive always struggled fitting in always watched from a far never quite felt like I belong. I struggle socially and every friendship and meaningful relationship Ive had seems to collapse. its given me social and anxiety and depression. I'm shocked despite me having dyslexia and dyspraxia nobody has picked up on it. i came on here maybe to find people who have experienced similar. maybe you feel scared angry happy relived? kind of  how I feel rn. idk what will happen rn barely anyone knows im scared to share with the world. scared of the label the judgement. scared of losing the people around me due to being different.  

  • Welcome

    Good thing is, being autistic explains all complications and miscommunication issues you had in a past, and you no longer have to take on faith what people tells you, even if it doesn't feel right, because now you know it's not right for you even if it's right for them

  • That's true i think the hard part is people have treated me so badly without the label so how will they treat me with it and even if i do have it and they are nice it still wont make it right. I'm also scared of revealing it to others.

  • That's true i think the hard part is people have treated me so badly without the label so how will they treat me with it and even if i do have it and they are nice it still wont make it right. I'm also scared of revealing it to others.

  • TBH my family have been very supportive but it hasn't helped my loneliness and im finding it hard to make relationships and form genuine connections.

  • It's impossible to tell everyone. But among those you will tell there will be few who won't take it well, and then just ghost them if possible.

    My family still doesn't want to even acknowledge it, but since they never helped me in anything I don't need them.

    what's the difference in label between weirdo and autistic? it comes from the same kind of people who are ableist and racist best to be avoided.