Introducing myself - newly diagnosed with autism

Hi there, my name’s Penny.

I’ve just been diagnosed with ASC, somewhat late inmy life (age 44) and thought I’d join this in the hope it might be able to offer me info to help me understand the recent diagnoses. It has been suggested I have further follow up for ADHD but I’m not sure if I want to go down this route.

I think I’m in shock, denial and slight bewilderment and I wondered if anyone else here has felt the same from a later in life diagnosis, as I also have BPD and OCPD.

it would be good to know what support networks might be out there. What there is out to read, and what online support and in person support people might advise? 

I’ve worked hard all my life to me ‘normal’ and have a busy yet stressful full time job, so it would also be good to hear how people are supported at work also.

Many thanks, and I hope I haven’t written too much here. 

  • Hi Penny and welcome. If someone had said to me a year ago that I’m autistic, I would have laughed. I’m 55 and as others have said, we go through most probably every emotion trying to explain this life changing event. It takes a lot of processing, we are a friendly bunch here. Join in as much or as little as you are happy with and just take your time.

  • Hi Penny and welcome. If someone had said to me a year ago that I’m autistic, I would have laughed. I’m 55 and as others have said, we go through most probably every emotion trying to explain this life changing event. It takes a lot of processing, we are a friendly bunch here. Join in as much or as little as you are happy with and just take your time.

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