I'm new here

Hello everyone, 

Autism has been a constant conversation throughout the past couple of days, I am currently in a mental health hospital because I suffer from EUPD (Emotionally unstable personality disorder), and one of the clinical support staff asked if I was autistic, I told her some of my traits that symbolise that I might have autism, I am 24 years old, and in my spare time I host a podcast that discusses mental health within the media industry. I have talked to various voice actors from games such as Valorant, league of legends, world of warcraft and more. 

I am looking forward to interacting with everyone on here. Stay safe. 


  • Hi and welcome to the forum. Glad to meet you.

    You might want to re-scrutinise the EUPD. You can have both. But Autism is often misdiagnosed as EUPD especially in women. 

    Whether you have one or the other or both, push until the professionals have done the right assessment to get it right. One way or the other getting right will be the true key to your long term health and well being. 

  • Hi and welcome to the forum. Glad to meet you.

    You might want to re-scrutinise the EUPD. You can have both. But Autism is often misdiagnosed as EUPD especially in women. 

    Whether you have one or the other or both, push until the professionals have done the right assessment to get it right. One way or the other getting right will be the true key to your long term health and well being. 
