Child Covid Vaccinations


Mum of a 7 year old ASC (high functioning) wonderful boy. He exhibits challenging behaviour which means he can be physical at times- especially under stress. Dentist and vaccinations being somerhing that causes him a great deal of stress! GP is useless, I need someone who understands Autisim to give him his Covid Vaccinations. Im based on South Coast uk- anyone have any ideas?

Husband also has a hard time coming to terms with our sons diagnosis and cries every time something happens. He loves our son unconditionally but gets so upset when something happens as he is sad for our son.  Any suggestions for support for him-  to bring him on the journey I am on?

Thanks for any suggestions and Lovely to meet you all.  

  • I agree re the Special Care dental service.  They even have specialist Autism Units in some areas and even if not, they are well versed in dealing with Autism.  Mine are great.  Any high street dentist can refer you to the service.

    As for the COVID jabs, all I can suggest is calling ahead and asking what expertise they've got in dealing with kids on the Spectrum.

    As for your GP, they really should be trying to understand.  I'd list your concerns in writing.

    With respect to your husband...I just don't know what to say.  Clearly your son needs support not people being sad for him, but your husband will ultimately have to adjust in his own way.

  • I agree re the Special Care dental service.  They even have specialist Autism Units in some areas and even if not, they are well versed in dealing with Autism.  Mine are great.  Any high street dentist can refer you to the service.

    As for the COVID jabs, all I can suggest is calling ahead and asking what expertise they've got in dealing with kids on the Spectrum.

    As for your GP, they really should be trying to understand.  I'd list your concerns in writing.

    With respect to your husband...I just don't know what to say.  Clearly your son needs support not people being sad for him, but your husband will ultimately have to adjust in his own way.

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