autism infantilization

Hey I'm May, I'm 17yo.

I'm almost a legal adult...

and for some reason people baby talk me when they find out I'm autistic Skull(⁠・⁠_⁠・⁠;⁠)

Ofc I do need some accomodations and I understand some of my interests might be seen as childish, but I have adult friends that also like "childish things" and aren't treated this way.

I notice that people, especially at school started treating me like a baby after they found out about the diagnosis, some of them even talk to me in a characteristic baby voice people use when talking to a toddler.

like, I won't deny I can act like a kid sometimes but that doesn't mean I want people to treat me like one?

this also happened because I have a comfort stuffed animal called Teddy Gerard Bear, he's an emo teddy bear with cool tatoos and piercings that I take everywhere with me because it helps me with meltdowns etc. But at school he's either in my backpack or on my table but untouched. it's not like I'm playing house with it or something.

I'm there to study like everyone else and the plushie does not distract me neither I use it like a toy.

I'm just there vibing like any teenager, and I have other friends that take cool plushies to school too.

But I think it's a mix of it + my diagnosis that makes people view me as younger wich is honestly annoying because they get really surprised when I swear or talk about things like alcohol (wich I obviously don't drink because I'm underage....) 

and I really want this infantilization to stop, but I won't give up things that give me comfort like Teddy.

Does anyone else dealt or deals with it too? if yes, do you have any tips for it to stop?

(I'm honestly considering just telling everyone to f off and see if they get the message)

Parents Reply Children
  • I'm glad you find masking easier now :) 

    What kind of job would you go into if you could? I don't work yet but I don't know what I'd like to do. X

  • it's possible to get used to everything. It used to be annoying before developing a habit that In return they do not get attitude I'd give a customer otherwise, they get cold and unwilling to make an extra mile, instead of friendly and eager to help. Under my mask of course, which is either neutral flat-face or slight smile flat-face depending on how I feel. After my discovery about alexithymia few months back my masking improved a lot. I could play poker now :D What would I give for a job that's not customer service