How can I help my husband?

I am not autistic but believe my husband may be. We have been married for many years but he moved out several months ago and I was devastated. Talking to behavioural professionals and reading online articles I release that all the issues he has had point to autism. I understand now the stress our relationship has had on him and the stress his behaviour has had on me. But I love him and want to find a way for us to continue to see each other. To do that I need to talk to him about this but I don't know how to introduce the subject. Any suggestions from those of you who have been through this?

  • Oh boy. Bless you. I realised for myself before I was properly diagnosed.  Not sure how I would have reacted had someone else said it.

    But at this point what have you got to loose?. You could say it. He could have a light bulb moment. It really could save your relationship.

    Or, you could say it, he thinks you are bonkers and ignore you and your relationship is still doomed.

    At this point, in your shoes, I'd go for it. Just blurt it out. You have nothing more to loose at this point it seems.

    If it's any consolation I sort of have a similar thing. I am autistic and going through a divorse I had no choice but to initiate yet desperately did not want, from a man I actually love deeply. But he is an alcoholic and will not hear me...all I can do is speak my truth and pray he one day hears. He probably never will.

    I hope your husband listens. You might be saving him. You might be saving both of you. Good luck x

  • Thank you Dawn for taking the tie to reply. I really appreciate it. I wanted to send you all good wishes for you and your situation. I really hope you can work it out.

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