
Hi, I'm Eve. Grinning

I have Autism, also suffering from anxiety and schizophrenia. I'm on meds for most of everything and have a 'team' though not a lot of help honestly. I feel I'm better when it's just me and I can be myself. I'm finding my sensory overload difficult at the moment and I'm trying to get out of burnout. Everything is so bright, my hands feel sensitive to everything makes washing my hair hard - nurse offered to do it for me but I said no - and I'm exhausted. If I'm walking for ten minutes I need to nap almost immediately.

I was hoping to do college again but I've had to drop out as I'm not in a good enough state at the moment to do it. Feel bad about that but I guess I need to be 100% to do it. I don't want to have to be in hospital again, last year I was in 3 times. Hoping to keep it 0 this year.

I'm looking forward to meeting people here and hopefully making friends and finding understanding. I find not many people really get me. Even the professional seem to not understand.

  • Hiya Eve.  I suffer from anxiety and autism.  I also feel calmer on my own without the world staring at me.  Don't beat yourself up about not going to college.  There are so many people of all different ages going to further education colleges in the UK so no one should ever feel left out.  You can go to a further education college whenever your mental health has improved enough so that you can study normally.  I'm sure you will be out of hospital this year.  You have managed to stay out of hospital for 8 months out of 12.  That in itself is an achievement!  I'm sure there are many others here who are in a similar situation to you and you will definitely make friends here.

  • Hiya Eve.  I suffer from anxiety and autism.  I also feel calmer on my own without the world staring at me.  Don't beat yourself up about not going to college.  There are so many people of all different ages going to further education colleges in the UK so no one should ever feel left out.  You can go to a further education college whenever your mental health has improved enough so that you can study normally.  I'm sure you will be out of hospital this year.  You have managed to stay out of hospital for 8 months out of 12.  That in itself is an achievement!  I'm sure there are many others here who are in a similar situation to you and you will definitely make friends here.

  • Hello. Slight smile It's nice to meet you. I'm sorry you suffer from anxiety, not nice at all is it? It's good there's this community where we can all be ourselves and have support for each other. Sometimes it's just nice to be on our own and not have people suffocating. That's what it feels like for me at times. Thank you so much for your kindness and understanding. My parents sadly don't understand me. I'm putting it all on hold now and hoping to look into college again in the future, for now I'm focusing on my wellbeing and safety. I'm still trying to get over my burnout it's never ending at times.

    Thanks so much for messaging.

    Have a lovely night. Xx