Good morning- my 3yr old son has recently been diagnosed with autism and my 2 yr old is on the waiting list.

Good morning everyone!

I’m new to this community and I would really appreciate it if I can get any advice or tip as what to do/ what help is available. I’m reading as many post as possible and picking up some tips and seeing answers to the many questions I have.

My 3 yr old son who will be 4 in Nov has been recently diagnosed with autism he is at pre-school that was a bit of a struggle in the beginning because most of the nurseries was telling me that they do not have extra staff so was turned down from most of them until I read that they’re not allowed to do that and that they should have a SEND department which I knew nothing about.

I asked the nursery if he could have a one to one to begin with because when he’s in a new or unknown environment he takes a while to settle and can be disruptive. His current nursery took him on after I asked who was there SEND person, initially they refused him but when I asked them about it they said they would take him on. 

With his diagnosis the doctor did recommend for him to attend a school that specialised with autism which I wasn’t expecting he’s verbal but has delayed speech, the potty training is a absolute disaster most days so any tips on potty training is welcomed because I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. Does children with autism have to go to a specialist school? 

my 2 yr old is non- verbal, he had his first assessment and was referred to the autism doctor. He understands everything, he knows his colours, numbers  and abc  the only issue with him is that he takes really really long to calm down and can hit out when he’s upset. ( which I’m sure is typical of a 2 yr old he just can verbally explain himself). He will be attending the same pre school as his brother.

And if anyone has any tips or recommendations to help with housing, the doctor that did the diagnosis said that he needs a lot of space, I also have a 17 yr old daughter and I live in a 2 bedroom group floor flat I lost my job after my maternity leave with my 2yr old because I couldn’t get a nursery for my son so I couldn’t  return to work which was quite depressing for me. With no work I cannot rent privately and the rental price in London for a 3 bedroom is out of this world. 

it took me a really long time to build up the courage to join this group but I’m really struggling and what is the next step after diagnosis and where to get help.

thank you all in advance for any advice and tips given