Haircuts! 4 year old ASD & ADHD

Hi everyone, 

This is my second post today, sorry about this! I am new to the community and I am so glad I finally have a place to ask people for advice! 

My son is 4, diagnosed ASD &  ADHD. 

Haircuts are a extremely negative experience. We have punching, kicking, swearing, spitting etc. At us and the barbers. He doesn't like the noise of the clippers but also doesn't like scissors near him. He doesn't like being confined to a chair.

The last few times have resulted in us having to pin him down and just shave it all off as quickly as possible which has been very traumatic for him.

He has very thick hair and is a sweaty boy when active and asleep so he does need it cut.

Does anyone have any advice on how we can make getting his haircut more manageable? 

We watch YouTube videos of kids getting there haircut, talk about it lots, he watches his Dad get it done, we let him pick the barber shops, he is offered rewards for getting it done. I just don't know what else to try. 

He did used to be like this with hair washing and one day just accepted it. He is now excellent at having his hair washed! 

Thank you so much Slight smile

  • Hello, sorry you are having a difficult time. I’m an adult and do not like having my hair cut. I’m autistic and very sensitive to heat, pain etc you name it. Do you think it would help if someone could come to your home to cut your son’s hair? He may feel better in his own environment. Wishing you all the best. Hope things get better. 

  • Hello, sorry you are having a difficult time. I’m an adult and do not like having my hair cut. I’m autistic and very sensitive to heat, pain etc you name it. Do you think it would help if someone could come to your home to cut your son’s hair? He may feel better in his own environment. Wishing you all the best. Hope things get better. 
