Recent adult diagnosis

Hi all, I am really new to this site so please forgive me if I ramble on. My 46 year old son has been diagnosed within the past year with Aspergers and ADHD, we thought this would help him to identify why he cannot hold down a job or form relationships but he is now angry as he feels this should have been diagnosed a long time ago, he is probably right but it just wasn't known about when he was younger and it is only as he has got older that his behaviour has become different. I try to reassure him he is not ill just thinks differently from other people,but sometimes he wants it to be an illness and other times it is like nothing is wrong. Anyway I am still trying to find the right way to deal with it too as i find it all so stressful and the feelings of guilt that i did not recognise this sooner is with me all the time.

Does anyone know of any support groups or what assistance he could get in the Surrey/South London area he could (if i can get him to go) attend? He suffers with social anxiety and this is more debilitating than the diagnosis to be honest, also any support groups for parents of adults with Aspergers/ADHD.

Thanks all.

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