
Hiya I'm Dreamer,

I love writing it's my fav thing to do I just feel so free and happy when I'm absorbed in my writing. I'm in sixth form at school which is a lot of pressure and hassle bity my teachers thought it would be good for me. I'm working on an essay for English at the moment but I feel exhausted all the time and I've not got very far, only four weeks until I'm back as well... I've done this so far, I'm open to any feedback on my writing. I know it's not a lot but I don't think it's very good so I keep deleting it and starting over.

Let me know if you like it or if you think it's rubbish.

I also like music like Queen I really love. Freddie's voice is just omg. I'm also big on swimming but I don't do much at the moment.

So it's nice to meet you and I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone here.

Slight smile

  • Hi, I have done a lot of writing - scientific papers, theses, historical articles and some pastiche fiction (all published, except the last - though some of this is online). The best way of approaching writing, I have found, is to write down the points you wish to make on a blank page at random, as they occur to you, then make connections between them and start to give them more order, especially the order in which you want them to appear in the finished work. After that, just write, do not aim at producing anything polished, this is where people get stuck in trying to make every sentence perfect, before moving on. Just concentrate on getting the words down on the screen or paper. Once you have a chapter or substantial section, THEN go over it and improve on your expression.

  • Hi Martin, wow that's so cool and interesting. Do you also do it for work? Thanks for the suggestion and explaining how you write this was a big help to me and I'm going to try it your way from now on and see how I get on.

  • I took early retirement in 2020, before that I worked as a research biologist at a university. As part of my job I was an author on many scientific research papers and also wrote chapters in a specialist textbook. I wrote 6 articles on military history as a hobby interest, some published online, some in paper journals. I wrote some pastiches of science fiction authors online, just for fun. 

    The 'loose plan', 'just write spontaneously' and 'polish it later' approach has worked well for me. Good luck with your writing.

  • All the different writing you've done sounds like a lot of fun. That's what I'd like to do when I'm done with school. Just write every day, articles and books is what I'm hoping for. Writing is the only thing I'm good at and I enjoy it so that's what I'm aiming for now.

    School is very stressful but if I can get through to the end then I think the future will be good.

  • All the different writing you've done sounds like a lot of fun. That's what I'd like to do when I'm done with school. Just write every day, articles and books is what I'm hoping for. Writing is the only thing I'm good at and I enjoy it so that's what I'm aiming for now.

    School is very stressful but if I can get through to the end then I think the future will be good.

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