
Good morning,

as I am quite new to this I could do with some guidance on how to deal with meltdowns.

I don’t quite understand what could trigger a meltdown and how I should deal with it not to instigate it or start one.

  • Your right, sometimes it is just the just the straw that broke the camels back.

  • Maybe a drip drip of different things which arent realised until it overflows.

  • Hi, meltdowns and shutdowns can be caused in many different ways, stress or over stimulation of any of your senses are normally where most will come from. An appointment being changed or social occasions can cause massive overload. The managing them for me is to try and plan your day and not get into a stressful situation in the first place. If you get over stimulated, get away from the cause and know that it’s only going to get worse. Stopping it before meltdown is key. Actually just being kinder to yourself is really helpful, it took me ages to admit that I am autistic and can’t keep all the plates spinning. We use a massive amount of energy just to function and process everything, sometimes we need to just rest. Hope this helps, just my thoughts, others may cope differently.