
Hello, I have autism, ADHD and anxiety. My name is Princesss. 

I wanted to give being a part of an online community a go as I'm a bit lonely because I struggle to make friends. I have hobbies like writing and singing. I'm working on a book which I want to publish and I'd very much like to be a singer, I have a unique voice and I'm really hoping I can get it noticed at some point.

I like and am obsessed with vintage things like old clothing and items from years ago. I wear some of the older clothing and use lots of the cool items I've bought.

I like to think it's a quirky thing I do :) 

  • I'm sorry of your own struggles with this. For me it's I want friends because I hear and see so many others with friends but I literally have no social interaction skill whatsoever. Every time I'm near someone it's a disaster. People don't like me either and that doesn't help things.

    I also have anxiety and being around people and talking makes it a lot worse.

    And thank you, I really enjoy vintage old things :) 

  • Pleasure to meet you, as I was reading this I very much totally understand what you mean about struggling to make friends and you are not alone. I had the same problem for years even now, some moved on, some I see but don’t see them as friends and some I rather isolated myself from because we choose our friends wisely of whom we’d feel comfortable to be socialising with. Therefore, it can be difficult but never a dead end, we are who we are, people can’t accept that then we don’t accept them. I hate being alone, at the same time I rather be alone than face the suffering of anxiety of being surrounded by an individual or group that would make me feel uncomfortable. 

    You say you like vintage things, there’s nothing wrong with that but you like it, you’re passionate about it, that’s what matters. Never let anyone think of you different because if don’t like it that’s ok but as long you are happy. 

  • Hello there

    I've just joined as well. I'm hoping being connected to a community of people like us will help :) I also have ADHD and anxiety