My Autistic Son

Hello Everyone

First of all, thank you to NAS for providing a forum where people can support each other and give advice based on their experiences.  I can't tell you how much this matters to me.

My son (7) has recently been diagnosed as being on the spectrum, which was not really a surprise as his mainstream school had intimated to us and has done their best to support him since starting school.

Before the schools broke up for holidays, I had a meeting with his school where they are recommending that we put in for a transfer to a school that has a dedicated unit for working with ASD kids.  However, there is only one such school in our local authority area without it being an ASN school and demand is high for places there.  His current school have offered to support and guide us through the application process.  

On top of this, we have been told that he is now on the waiting list for a cognitive assessment.  Is this worthwhile and what are people's experiences of such things?  

To frame the above, we live in Scotland.

  • Hello

    Thank you for your post. I'm pleased to hear that you appreciate the NAS community.

    Hopefully, there will be some community members who can give you some advice and shared experiences around cognitive assessment.

    You may find the following information useful. 

     The following page contains a lot of helpful information about education for a child with an autism: 

    This includes information regarding getting extra support for your child in their education setting. 

     You can search for schools that cater for children with an autism spectrum disorder on our Autism Services Directory: 

    You may want to contact our Education Rights Service who provides information, support and advice on educational provision and entitlements. Please see the following link for further information: 

    All the best,


  • I dont know a lot about cognitive assessments so cant really help much on that

    As far as the school goes...

    Im autistic and I spent 10 years working as a Teaching Assistant for special needs kids. A couple of questions, firstly you mention that this new potential school has an ASD unit. I presume from this that it is still a mainstream school? Are there any full SEN 9special educational needs) schools in your area?

    Its purely my opinion and it may not work for your son but from what Ive seen autistic kids tend to do better in SEN schools than mainstream. Firstly they around other kids more like them so they feel more free to be themselves without so much judgement and its easier to make friends because they are hanging out with other kids like them.

    Also, in mainstream schools autistic kids often tend to become outcasts and a target for bullying from mainstream kids, particularly if they have a teaching assistant in tow. Sadly, no one wants to be friends with the kid who has an adult hanging around them all day. 

    If a full SEN school isnt an option then one that has an ASD unit may well be the best option. These units can become a safe space for autistic kids sometimes.  A school with no ASD unit may be a tough ask

    Most of my experience that I have spoken of is in secondary not primary as that is what i have worked in but if you get him the support now then it is more likely to carry on into secondary school
    Hope any of this helps, like I said it is just my experience and opinions, not fact