New here

Hi all

Thought I’d introduce myself. I’m a 52 year old fella from the Essex area, and stumbled across this place after a discussion with my girlfriend this morning, that interacting with like minded folks may help with my mental health, at present.I’m currently awaiting an “official” diagnosis for Autism, I first started to realise why I’ve always felt “special” after my grandson had some difficulties early on in his life, I started to research a little into his possible diagnosis and issues and found virtually every aspect of what I was reading applied to me.

A couple of years ago I managed to get out of what was a very toxic and abusive relationship, and move away to a as then unknown area, luckily I now love where I live and have a fantastically supportive partner, however coming out of a 27 year long relationship was very hard and as I don’t cope well with someone upsetting my breakfast routine, this was extremely hard. I’ve also just left my job of over 30 years (I told you I didn’t like change), and this has presented me with many more challenges.

After all this time the eye opening reality of all the challenges I’ve experienced in my life, from childhood learning through to adulthood living has really come to light, and as such my mental health has taken a huge toll, to the point of recently becoming I guess suicidal, something I always thought would never effect me. To be honest I have a lot of support which I am thankful for, but I’m still finding it all very difficult. I’m hoping that by joining a community of other neuro divergent folk, that I will learn/understand more of what makes me tick, and find tricks and tips on how to survive as me! rather than the actor with the mask I’ve been playing forever.

I’m not sure that an official diagnosis will make much difference, or whether as an adult it will offer any special support, but from  a personal point of view, it represents some form of affirmation and hopefully a sense of relief to know that I haven’t been going mad all this time.

thank you for reading if you’ve made it this far. 

  • The diagnosis will provide a sense of relief. I know it’s only a bit of paper, but it’s so worth it. I expect you’ll start having flash backs to certain situations, and seeing ASD as the reason, instead of anything that you said or did wrong…. They’ll be a lot to learn and find out about yourself, but in the way of support, I don’t think there is any. You can have CBT and such, or try and join a local group for similar minded people. And of course, there’s this forum. Someone will have been where you are. In fact most of us have lol.

  • The diagnosis will provide a sense of relief. I know it’s only a bit of paper, but it’s so worth it. I expect you’ll start having flash backs to certain situations, and seeing ASD as the reason, instead of anything that you said or did wrong…. They’ll be a lot to learn and find out about yourself, but in the way of support, I don’t think there is any. You can have CBT and such, or try and join a local group for similar minded people. And of course, there’s this forum. Someone will have been where you are. In fact most of us have lol.

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